Home Loan Process
Unless you have the ability to purchase a home in cash, the first step to buying a house is getting qualified with a good lender. Don’t worry if you don’t already have someone in mind, I’ve spent years finding and working with some of the best in the industry and can easily put you in touch.
While the loan process can be intimidating, both your loan officer and I are on your team keeping you informed from preapproval to closing. Most important, your lender will tell you what you CAN afford and then you decide what you WANT to afford. They will review current interest rates, mortgage payments and more to come up with the best strategy for success.
Along the way, your lender may continue to ask for additional documentation or clarification. Don’t be surprised. Your lender could be providing up to 97% of the funds required to purchase your dream home so they want to make sure you’re a good investment.
Connect with my lender!